The Mozzie published Andrew’s poem “Travelling North” in its October 2018 issue (Vol. 26, No. 9). This poem is included in Andrew’s latest book of poetry, Distillations of Different [...]
Sunline Press has published a new collection of Andrew’s poems titled Distillations of Different Lands. With a striking cover designed by Western Australian artist Andrew Gilchrist, the [...]
The September 2018 issue of Quadrant magazine contains two of Andrew’s poems: “Them Shoes” and “Meditations on Emptiness”. “Them Shoes” is a free form poem of [...]
The No. 141, 2017, issue of Studio magazine contains six of Andrew’s poems: Recollections of Dread and Deliverance A Little Herd Travelling Winter, Wisconsin Variations of Sorrow Koi Pond Tanka