Four poems in Quadrant
The April 2020 issue of Quadrant contains 4 of Andrew’s poems: “Loss”, “Apprehension”, “The Lotus Pod Innovations”, and “Unleafed Weeping Cherry”.
“Loss” is a villanelle; “The Lotus Pod Innovations” is a 3-tanka gunsaku; “Unleafed Weeping Cherry” is a 2-tanka gunsaku; and “Apprehension” is written in rhyming couplets.
As we amble in autumn in Nara Park,
where cherries and gingkoes are turning starkand stags scent the heat of hinds on the breeze,
my soul apprehends as my sight perceivesthe heart-shaped leaves of the Chinese tallows,
crimson as blood from the Man of Sorrows.© Andrew Lansdown
“Apprehension” is included in Andrew’s latest collection, Abundance: New and Selected Poems, published in December 2020 in the USA by Wipf and Stock Publishers.