Three poems in Studio
The latest issue of Studio magazine (No. 145, 2019) contains three of Andrew’s poems: “Them Shoes”, “Miscellaneous Thoughts on Poetry” and “Suburban Birds”.
“Miscellaneous Thoughts on Poetry” is set of three tanka, while “Suburban Birds” is a set of five haiku. “Them Shoes” is a 52-line “free form” poem set in Bourbon Street in New Orleans. All three poems are included in Andrew’s latest book , Distillations of Different Lands, which has was released late last year by Sunline Press.
The first and last haiku in “Suburban Birds” are reprinted below:
Suburban Birds
. .i
The overhead wire—
a pair of welcome swallows
singing in the sag.
. .v
Such a lovely note—
how could I not look up to
find the pardalote?
© Andrew Lansdown