Poems in Westerly

 In Poems

Westerly: The best in writing from the WestWesterly, the literary magazine published by the Westerly Centre, the University of Western Australia, has published Andrew’s poem, “Elijah and the Ravens”. The poem consists of three dramatic monologues, which have been taken from a longer sequence of 32 dramatic monologues on the Old Testament prophet Elijah. The complete sequence, titled “The God of the Glimpses”, has just been published in Andrew’s latest poetry collection, Far from Home. One of the three dramatic monologues published in Westerly (Vol. 55, No. 2, November 2010) is written in the form of a triolette and is reproduced below:


The Raven


The raven is a black and craven bird,

a bird by the Law unclean.

Its carrion cry on the wind is heard –

the raven, that black and craven bird.

Yet it is the one the Lord by His word

has sent for my keep and keen.

Oh, the raven’s a black and craven bird,

a bird by the Law unclean!


            © Andrew Lansdown

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