Poem in StylusLit
The online journal StylusLit has published Andrew’s poem, “About Emptiness”. Appearing in Issue 12 (September 2022), the poem is a set of three haiku on a common theme.
As stated on the journal’s website, “StylusLit is an Australian, bi-annual online literary journal, which publishes poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, novel excerpts, interviews and reviews.”
“About Emptiness” is reproduced below. You can also read it on the StylusLit website here.
About Emptiness
. .i
About emptiness—
would you learn from the bamboo
or the human heart?. .ii
About emptiness—
Buddhist monks can’t say how it
got in the bamboo.. .iii
About emptiness—
the bamboo’s offer to store it
is bold but hopeless.© Andrew Lansdown