The Canadian print and online magazine Ekstasis has published Andrew’s poem “The Biblical Maples”, a set of four tanka. The poem can be read on the Ekstasis website here: [...]
Over 2020, Andrew had seven poems published in six issues of The Mozzie. In Vol. 27, Issue 9, March 2020 – “Saga Chrysanthemums” (a set of 4 tanka). In Vol. 27, Issue 10, May [...]
Andrew’s poem “Kyoto Autumn Maples” has been published in the February 2020 issue of FreeXpresSion magazine. This set of six tanka won the 2016 Melbourne Poets Union International [...]
The September 2019 issue of Quadrant contains 2 of Andrew’s poems: “The Martyred Mother”, a poem written in 7 unrhymed quatrains (except for the last quatrain, which [...]
Studio magazine published 4 of Andrew’s poems in its No. 146, 2019 edition. The poems are: “Of Maples and …”, a set of 5 tanka; “Bamboo Forest, Arashiyama”, a [...]
Rhiza Press has published a new collection of Andrew’s poems and photographs. Kyoto Momiji Tanka is a stunning collection of poems and photographs celebrating the ancient capital of Japan, [...]